
Publié le par Romy in Austria

After I read Veros article about Hornbooks http://verom.over-blog.com/article-1415582.html I pulled out this little item we have since always in our home.

I always saw that there is something to put a sheet of paper in, but I didn´t know how and why this little silver thing was used in the past. Now I think I know, this is something like a Hornbook!

I think I´ll stitch something for it. Now I have to look for a Hornbook design which is about 5 x 7cm.

Publié dans romyaustria

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Hallo Romy,<br /> Ich glaube dass ich Sie enttäuschen muss. So etwas habe ich auch geerbt. Das ist der Rahmen eines zerbrochenen Handspiegels. Sehr dünnes Spiegelglas mit  Petit Point Stickerei auf Karton dahinter. <br /> Liebe Grüsse aus Korsika<br /> Christa<br /> PS Noch immer keine Lust zum Sticken? Schade.
I am jealous. This is truly a treasure. I'm sure you'll make something remarkable of it!
Romy, I think as Angi said, that you are owning a treasure :-))) Let us see the results !!!!
It's a treasure!!!<br /> I love the handle: it's stunning.<br /> Now you have to choose a nice alphabet and stitch for it :-))