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Surprise in the mail!!!

Surprise in the mail!!!

Today I got a package from Catherine abc. I really was curiously to open it, because I didn´t expect to receive anything from France!!!!??? And look what she sent to me!!! A wonderful square for my friendship quilt, and some other extra goodies!!! Isn´t...

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a new square

a new square

I just finished a new square for my quilt. It´s from the Quaker Medallion Bellpull by Ruth Ann Russel. It´s stitched mostly with my favourite Gloriana silk colour "Blue Gras" on sand linen. Slowly I really become addicted to stitch and collect those...

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old magazines

Today I got my order from http://www.oldstitch.com/ I got some older Just Cross Stitch magazines, with the Merry Cox Seek Joy needlebook in, and the Just Cross Stitch magazines with the Merry Cox Share Thy Bounty designs in. Each for $ 2,97. And I received...

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back to the roots

back to the roots

When I posted my last article about the Austrian cross stitch, I remembered a project I started some years ago. My goal was to create an Austrian Spot Sampler, totally designed by myself, but in the spirit of the old Austrian stitchings in my region....

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Traditional Austrian cross stitch

Traditional Austrian cross stitch

Today I want to show you a piece of traditional Austrian cross stitch. In 1887 in my little hometown there was opened a school for homeindustrie, where young women were thought in needlework. Especially for embroider table clothes, curtains,............This...

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Friendship Quilt

Friendship Quilt

Finally I started assembling the first two squares for my Cross Stitch Quilt. It took about three years to find the perfect technique how to do this. I was looking for a way to finish each square separately, so that the quilt will be finished always and...

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Dear Stitching Friends!

Thank you all for your response to my last question!!! Now I know another reason why I love to embroider :-)! It´s so great to "meet" same minded stitchers! I think, without you all, stitching would be only half of fun!!

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Why do you love to stitch??

As I spend a lot of time with stitching, it´s time to think seriously WHY do I love to stitch, and WHY did I become addicted to cross stitch??? First it´s absolutely hard for me to put my thoughts into English words, but I´ll try. It´s really not for...

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Today I received my order from the Kunst & Vliegwerk onlineshop in the Netherlands. I ordered some fabric samples for linen. So I received try outs for 30, 36, 40, 48 and 55 count. No idea if I ever will stitch on the higher counts, but now I have them...

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a little finish

a little finish

This weekend I found some time for finishing. So I finished my piece for the redwork exchange, will post a picture when it´s arrived in.................??? :-)!! And I finished the Lizzie Kate design " Cross Stitcher in Residence" as an ornament. Now...

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